A Complete E-Commerce Solution

Modesy is a complete e-commerce solution that has many different systems
and does not require any plugins.


Sell your products on your site or get a commission from sellers for sales on your site.

Classified Ads

Add your listings or let other users to add listings to your site.

Bidding System

Add your products without a price and offer different prices according to selected product options.

Sell Physical Products

Sell any tangible product that you can ship to customers.

Sell Digital Products

Sell any downloadable products such as themes, music, videos, graphics etc.

Sell License Keys

Sell your license keys that customers can download instantly.


You can see all available features in our script by checking our demos

Main Demo

View Demo

Classified Ads Demo

View Demo

Advanced Admin Panel

Modesy has an advanced Admin panel where you can easily make your settings and manage all content on your site. Thanks to this panel, you do not need coding knowledge for managing your site.
  • Manage All Content and Settings on Your Site
  • Clean and Responsive Design
  • Multilingual and Easy to Use

Vendor Dashboard

Modesy is a multi-vendor system. Each vendor has its own management panel. Vendors can manage their products and their shop settings easily with this panel.

Key Features of Modesy

Clean and Responsive Design

Modesy has a clean and responsive design. It looks great on desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

Multilingual & RLT support

You can add one or more languages to your site and edit your language translations from the management panel as you wish. It supports all languages and it also supports languages such as Arabic and Hebrew thanks to RTL support.

Multi-Vendor System

You can allow other vendors to sell on your site with this system. You can take commission from every sale on your site. If you do not want other sellers to sell, you can disable this option and sell only your own products.

Membership Packages System

Modesy has different monetization options. One of them is a premium membership for vendors. You can create your own membership packages based on time and the number of products that can be added and you can sell them to your vendors.

Featured Products

Featured products is another monetization option. Vendors who want to show their products on the index page and in the first places in the search results can promote their products. You can adjust your promote fees on a daily or monthly basis as you wish.

Shipping System

Modesy has a location based shipping system with different shipping methods such as Flat rate, Local pickup and Free shipping. Each vendor in the system has its own shipping settings. The vendors can create their own shipping methods and sell their products with these methods.

Custom Fields System

The custom fields system allows you to add new form elements to the product adding form. With this feature, you can shape the product adding form as you wish and add new forms elements such as text, multiple selection, single selection, date etc. These selection options can be used as product filters also.

Product Variations

If you have different attributes for your products such as color, size, shoe size etc. you can create product variations for your products. These options will be displayed on the product details page and will be selected by the customer during product purchase.

Messaging System

Modesy has a message system that buyers and sellers can easily communicate with. Buyers can contact the seller through this system for information before or after purchasing a product.


Modesy has a clean and responsive blog system. By adding blog posts for your site, you can have a richer site content and a better SEO rating for your site.

Easy Installation

Installing Modesy is very easy. You don't need any coding knowledge for this. You can upload the script files to your server and complete the installation with the setup wizard in a short time. You can also find detailed information and videos about the installation steps in our documentation.

Payment Gateways

Modesy has a variety of payment options available in many countries.
 Cash on Delivery
 Bank Transfer

Other Important Features

Totally Secure System

Seo Optimized

SEO-Friendly URL

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Guest Checkout



Currency Converter

Email Notifications

Commission for Sales

Responsive & Sortable Slider

Bulk Product & Category Upload

Product Approval System

Pending & Hidden Products


Product Location Map

Preview Options

AWS S3 Integration

Cache System

RSS Feeds

Social Login

Social Sharing

Product Filters

Profile Settings


Member Follow System

Comment System

Review System

Abuse Report System

Dynamic Page System

Location Database

Ad Spaces (AdSense)


Vendor Verification System

Maintenance Mode


Visual Settings

Google Font Options

Watermark System

Google reCAPTCHA

Advanced Settings

Detailed Documentation


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I buy Modesy?
    You can buy Modesy by clicking the "Purchase Now" button above. We sell our products only on CodeCanyon.
  • Does Modays have an online support system?
    Modesy has an online support system. When you encounter a problem, you can contact the support team through this system. You can also find many documents for installion, updating and usage of the script on this system.

    Go to Support Desk   
  • Which license should I buy?
    There are Regular and Extended license options for our script. There is no difference in features between Regular and Extended licenses. With both licenses, you will be able to have all the features and all source codes. But if you want to use the script in your commercial projects (selling it to one of your customer after making some changes), you need to buy an Extended license.

    See License Details   
  • How can I install Modesy?
    Installing Modesy is easy. After uploading the script files to your server, you can easily create a database and install it with the setup wizard. Also, Modesy has a documentation file that has all these instructions. After purchasing the script and downloading it from CodeCanyon, you can open the "index.html" file in the "documentation" folder with your browser and read the "Installation" section.

    See Online Documention   
  • What is included in the purchase?
    When you purchase the script, you will get the script files and a lifetime license. There is no time limit for this license. In addition, you will receive free updates and 6 months of free support.
  • Can I renew my support after 6 months?
    Yes, you can always renew your support via CodeCanyon.

  • Will I get all the source codes of the script?
    Modesy is an open source PHP script. When you buy the script you will get all the source codes. There is no encrypted code in the script.
  • What are the server requirements?
    Modesy is working on almost all server types including Windows and NGINX. We generally recommend Apache servers. You can use Modesy on shared hostings, VPS servers or other server types.

    These are the server requirements:

    PHP >= 5.6
    cURL PHP Extension
    Fileinfo PHP Extension
    Exif PHP Extension
    Mbstring PHP Extension